Energy Audits     


Our scientists work with your business to reduce energy consumption by up to 40%.

Save money on energy bills and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.     


Did you know

40% of global energy consumption is from buidlings.  That equates to 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions!


An energy audit is an analysis of your businesses energy consumption and will indentify areas where energy can be saved and efficiency improved. This can be as simple as changing tariffs to suit your businesses needs, changing staff behaviour, changing HVAC settings or installing energy efficient equipment.  Green Management is completely independent, meaning you can have faith that the recommendations we provide are what your business requires.  We provide quality scientific audits and do not sell solar or lighting.



Becoming energy efficienct is important to your business.  Green Management can decrease your energy consumption and costs by up to 40%, decreasing operating costs and increasing business profitability.  By becoming energy efficient, your business will be helping the planet reduce greenhouse gas emissions and will let your customers know that you take you environmental responsibility seriously.



Energy Audits

There are three different types of energy audits ranging in complexity and detail.  Green Management can help you decide which audit is right for your business.  According to the Australian Standards AS/NZS3598:2000:


1  Level 1 audit

     A level 1 audit allows the overall energy consumption of the site  to be evaluated, to determine whether energy use is reasonable or excessive.  It                                          provides initial benchmarks of the site so that the effect of energy measures can be tracked or evaluated. 



2  Level 2 audit

     A level 2 audit will identify the sources of energy to a site, the amount of energy supplied, and what the energy is used for. It also identifies areas where savings may          be made, recommends measures to be taken, and provides a statement of costs and potential savings.



3  Level 3 audit

     A level 3 audit provides a detailed analysis of energy usage, the savings that can be made, and the cost of achieving those savings.  It may cover the whole site or            may concentrate on an individual item.  The audit may require local metering or data-logging.





Phone our consultants today on 07 5594 6767

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433 Brisbane Road | Arundel, Gold Coast, Queensland | Tel: 07 5594 6767